Thursday, October 30, 2008

My reply is no

It’s like “to be or not to be”
It twas a simple question
Standing at the edge of a cliff shaking violently and leaving me guessing

I have no rope tied to me and the fall looks mediocre
This will never work
Ask it to be my chauffer

Shaking it up and guzzling its answers
It’s affecting my breath control
It’s freeing my soul
No more choices
A roll of the dice

“As I see it Yes”
“As I see it No”
No one to consider when it’s “Decidedly so”

I used it once in a bind and now I’m using it for every step I take
Left or Right
All my choices, it negates.

Control Freak that I love
Tell me I’m imperfect and falling like a dove
Small and Round with a number eight
The answer “Yes” is why I wait.

So I’ll Jump, but before I do who are your sources?
Telling you “Yes”
Telling you “No”
Who is the one that truly makes all my choices?

Who is the one that gives a clean slate?
Is it me?
Or is it Fate?

Will I survive this fall?
“Out look not so good”
You’re worthless
I should have never questioned you at all.

Oh I’m trapped between easy decisions
And complicated liven

Yes and No’s were so easy without the gray
Just Black and White with no more dreams of Mandalay
Wings would be nice at this moment
I would get up and fly away from my problems
Get up and fly away
Have someone else solve em’

Responsibilities a joke that grabs you with a tight grip
Puts you in a choke hold that fills you with flem and till you can’t spit

That’s why I use my magic eight ball
Making my decisions without waiting for my conscious to call

Now I’ll shake you one last time
So you can give me a life with some flowing lines

Monday, October 27, 2008

Allusion Paragraph

Cass Mastern is Jacks "Cassandra" through their almost parallel lives. Cass sacrifices his friend for the woman he loves only to have her turn against him. Jack is bestowed with knowledge and a respectable heart but is still on a journey for truth and enlightenment. In Jacks quest for discovering his real father Jack replicates the life of Telemachous due to the disbelief in his real father. Judge Irwin has always been portrayed as the fatherly type to Jack, but such a relationship was never confirmed. In retrospect though it is obvious that the Judge suggests his true relationship with Jack as recently as the dinner party where Jack still is oblivious to the situation. When Jack does come to the realization of his father there is utter denial and disbelief because of the now illuminated past of the Judge. Though Jack looked at the Judge as a father figure all his life with such admiration as to say “…I took the Judge as a hero…” Jack feels a new distance and embarrassment by the Judge who still treats him as a son rather than another respectable man. This consistent childness towards Jack coupled with a recently illuminated past peppered with corruption makes Judge Irwin seem like less of a hero and puts Jack in a similar position of Telemachous, where his moral ground is shaken.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A minor THREAT

I had forgotten the reason that I had told Anne the facts,
The reason I had given her those confidential Photostats.
I was a summoned servant of the state, and probably could run ten more like it.
I bullied the bullies- coped the cops- I was wonderful.
I gave the utmost sacrifice

Before more damage could be done they took my life
From once healthy and disinterested
To deader than a mackerel

Now my arms hung slightly and the bones in my neck crackle
There I hanged from the gallows, feeling the scorns and the sneers
As the oxygen starts to dwindle I just smile and hear the cheers

For this is what a hero gets
An ever lasting nap
They better take me away in a big black Cadillac.