Wednesday, September 17, 2008

head for the border

Kick start the engine and head for the border
Petal to the floor to advoid law and order.
Babe I'm heading for Mexico
Where security and safety are the first to go.
At the line I'm met by Police
I'm thrown in th car for disturbing to peace.
Walk in, sit down, it's an 8 by 8 cell.
Shut up, held up, welcome to hell.
I make my one phone call to your voicemail
But you don't pick up so I'm stuck here in jail.

I'm sitting on the bench, then hit in the head
Waking up days later thinking I'm dead.
Day's go by and I don't know why I'm here
All of the sudden there go the years.
Execution is the only way out
I'm getting the noose without a doubt.
But they take me to a room and strap me in a chair.
Sit Down, Shut Up, Wet my hair.
I should have screamed or filed a complaint
But someones got the brunt of society's angst.

1 comment:

John the Jammer said...

this got really weird really fast