Thursday, October 2, 2008

A minor THREAT

I had forgotten the reason that I had told Anne the facts,
The reason I had given her those confidential Photostats.
I was a summoned servant of the state, and probably could run ten more like it.
I bullied the bullies- coped the cops- I was wonderful.
I gave the utmost sacrifice

Before more damage could be done they took my life
From once healthy and disinterested
To deader than a mackerel

Now my arms hung slightly and the bones in my neck crackle
There I hanged from the gallows, feeling the scorns and the sneers
As the oxygen starts to dwindle I just smile and hear the cheers

For this is what a hero gets
An ever lasting nap
They better take me away in a big black Cadillac.


Jake said...

im was amazed

APLITghosts said...

I really love the narrative of the poem. It is a cool image. It reminds me of Brave New World. Was than an intentional allusion on your part? - elmeer