Sunday, February 22, 2009

The secret journals of Cheewy

Is there something unattractive about the name Cheewy?
Is there a reason why the damsels we save never notice my mane?
Does all my hair and my teeth make them go “Eeewy”?
Out in space they hate me but back home my lovely locks are my claim to fame.

On the ship it’s generally just me and Hans Solo
Cruising the universe and rescuing babes
When we get them on board we always look better than Apollo
Hans is such a pig, he’s just looking to get laid

This one princess named Laya I will never forget
She was royalty paired with a great big goof
Letting her get away was my biggest regret
One day I’ll marry her and murder Luke

Hans got Laya because he’s a weasel and I’m just to slow
Even when she tells him “I love you” all he can say is “ I know”

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

You are very good at these. They are so funny and rich in many ways. I think you enjoy the rhyming obviously. (learn the difference between too and to...) the first one is in addition to and the second one is a preposition. I have always wondered about Cheewy. does he have two ee...s in his name? - elmeer